

After seeing so many aspects of Taiwan, do you think there is anything in Taiwan that should be changed? What can you do to help to change Taiwan?

Taiwan needs to change. I think it needs to create a bigger identity in the world, and not live in the shadow of the big giant behemoth of a country to the left of them. Whilst I said earlier, that I cannot do anything, persay, to swing Taiwan into the limelight, I can however, spread good news of Taiwan's culture and promote Taiwan's existence, and even visit more often. Bringing friends and others to Taiwan would also help spread the news that Taiwan is here to stay and it is different from China. I can definitely help to raise awareness between Taiwan and China. After all, many of my friends have asked me, are you chinese? I answer with I'm Taiwanese, and they go "same diff". I want to change that notion.

Taiwan needs a greater presence in the world stage. At this point, I can tell other people how great Taiwan is, though I am skeptical of the impact this would have.

I think the government personals should improve more on their 國際觀。
Also during this trip, I noticed that I still can’t find the unique ‘feel’ of Taiwan that differentiates it from other countries, from the cultural perspective in particular.

Taiwan should be more visitor-friendly. As someone who can’t read Chinese, it would be difficult for me to take public transportation in Taiwan.

I’m worried about the amount of pollution in Taipei. It seems that such a large number of vehicles is making the sky gray and the air smoggy. We should promote public transportation more to decrease reliance on scooters and cars.

I feel that the atmosphere of Taiwan must convenience be changed for the better. Despite of motorcycles, they are incredibly inefficient and poisonous. The large amount of greenhouse gases emitted, combined with the gradual destruction of the ozone, are slowly heating up Taiwan and making it harder to live in. We can help change Taiwan by increasing awareness of these issues and imposing stricter emissions regulations.

Don’t know enough to say.

Two things: internal development, particularly within technology or other areas that Taiwan can leverage as its strengths. Second, image and presence on a global stage. I think that Taiwan must identify itself on the global stage as a leader in something, or as characteristic in something. It has many great attributes (e.g. familial treatment of everyone, technological advances, etc.), and those must be articulated. Both will help it rise to prominence. For instance, Denmark is internationally known as the happiest and healthiest country in the world because of its living style and happy people. Taiwan can leverage this component from its own people. Alternatively, Japan rose to prominence largely because of its technological advances; again, Taiwan can do the same. The combination of these two factors should be very helpful in elevating Taiwan on a global stage.

I think that if we change anything in taiwan...it wouldnt be taiwan anymore...i have no idea what should be changed...becaus for me taiwan is taiwan...and i'll always come back

I think that Taiwan government does very well in developing Taiwan tourism. The matter is exploring Taiwan to many countries in the world, so encourage them come to Taiwan – A country- Touch Your heart

I think that while it’s good that there are so many different groups devoted to their own singular cause, I am not sure that it is the most efficient way to get something done. For example, at Wu-wei, they are all about sustainability, but I felt that it was very confined to their own community. While you can’t impose such a lifestyle on others, it is worth a try to reach out to others, perhaps by uniting with a singular cause, and this way it can be a bigger movement.
As an outsider to Taiwan, I think the best that I can do is to make an effort to learn about Taiwan’s concerns, raise awareness to the issues, starting with college students.

Put more garbage can thank you. I can probably help Taiwan by promoting the country and persuading my friends to spend their money in Taiwan rather than wasting it in Thailand. But in the end, it is still up to Taiwan to make the difference if it is willing to attract tourists; like changing its images (clean the streets) and improving its facility to a more foreigner friendly condition.

I think that there are some areas of the city that can be cleaned up or otherwise renovated. I could help do so through community service or some other form of administration of aid.

In a place that is becoming more and more international/globalized/Americanized, Taiwan must not forget its roots – they are precious.
Taiwan should change its education system slightly so it is less focused on exam results/ competition/ learning textbooks off by heart, leaving more room for creativity and personal development. I’m not sure I can do much about this myself.

I wish that parents would stop putting so much pressure on their kids to do well in education, but instead make them enjoy their life a bit better. Not everyone is suited to studying and the sooner parents realize this the better. What will I do? I’m going to preach this to every bossy parent I see.

This trip was mainly observatory as opposed to judgmental, so I did not focus on things that I thought should be changed in Taiwan. However, I think Professor Lee’s statement that Taiwan must improve its basic technology is warranted. I found the visit to ITRI to be interesting, but I felt that Taiwan was still a bit behind technologically compared to the rest of the world. I have heard that Taiwan simply does not do Research and Development for the industry sector because it cannot keep up with other nations. I do not know if this is true, but surely Taiwan is not known for its breakthroughs in technology like other nations, such as Japan. I am not sure if this is a problem that has come about through lack of government funding or academics, but I do feel that Taiwan should be more ambitious in its technology sector to create a name for itself on the global level.

If there was one thing that I wish could be changed about Taiwan, it would be Taiwan’s status in the world. Perhaps this is an answer to how other countries should change. Taiwan is trying so hard and it is sad to see that it is not receiving the respect that it deserves. As for me, I can probably just try my best to promote Taiwan’s name, from their advanced technology and good education, to good food and beautiful scenery.










台灣人需要以更寬廣的心胸接受外來文化, 由於政治因素, 許多台灣人都將自己封閉起來, 甚至自己人對立, 這是阻礙台灣向前發展的一大問題.我希望可以帶給台灣人不一樣看待這個世界的方法, 很多事其實可以簡化, 不用想那麼多, 像美國人的生活方式, “just do it”.


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