

During the trip, what are the most beautiful scenery/images of Taiwan in your mind? Please share with us in whatever way you like (e.g. your words, drawings, photos, etc.)

Beautiful Scenery ... See picture. Although granted almost all of the scenery in the Eastern side was very breathtaking, this scene, from Taipei, really shows that even the cities can have it's beautiful moments.

River tracing and sun-moon lake were the most memorable scenery. I enjoyed looking at mountains and water. I wish we had more time to enjoy the view of Taroko mountain.

Taiwan’s most beautiful is the nature. I particularly like the Taroko national park, it has a touch of nature and slow pace living, just like in paradise, away from the city. The morning scenery is stunning, when the morning sunshine lit up the hill, the scenery was very nice, it just looked like straight from the postcard.

One image that sticks out in my mind is the Taroko natives performing that night. I was touched by the children’s stories and how they turn to performing in order to show the rest of Taiwan their culture. Another beautiful image of Taiwan would be Sun Moon Lake in Nantou with its blue/green water and dense trees in the background.

Clouded mountaintops.

Beach. Taroko Cliffs (wish we could’ve gone further into the mountain).

1. The happy children, knowing that they will grow up to become their parents.
2. Please see our group Picasa photos (and Elena's!)

The most beautiful image of Taiwan...was in taroko...i dont have a photo because it was too dark...at night...we were watching the stars...and was the most beautiful night that i ever seen!!!! And i also saw a shooting star!!! i really enjoyed been there...its a memory thats going to me in my mind forever...

花蓮,I like this place so much with mountain, rivers, waterfall and especially the feeling of freedone, listen harmony of nature.

-Tao-Mi eco-village (particularly our building with the rooftop star gazing!)
-Taroko Valley (it’s a shame we didn’t get to get a full experience there)

Taroko, simply a speechless beauty.

My most beautiful image is of the small waterfalls in Taroko that fell so gracefully, as if in solitude.

River tracing – hugely fun, around stunning landscape

I think that the most beautiful places were the ones in the national park. That aside, there were a lot of beautiful places in Taiwan. That time where we stayed up in the mountain overnight was a good experience. Even though the accommodations weren't top class, it gave us a chance to be more in touch with Taiwan's natural side.

The most beautiful pictures are on my blog! I enjoyed Bulowan village the most and hope to return there soon.

As mentioned before, I was very impressed by the scenery we passed while on the tour bus. Much of this was on the Su-Hwa Highway when we were in the mountain roads overlooking the beach, but I also enjoyed the drives through the rural areas. Taroko National Park was also one of my favorite scenic locations on the trip. The Aboriginal area where we stayed overnight had an amazing view of the stars – because it was in the mountains, the stars in the evening appeared brighter than I had ever seen than before, and I couldn’t stop staring at them. River tracing in the San-Chan River was also very scenic. While River Tracing, I sometimes had to tell myself to stop looking around at the beautiful scenery and clear water because I was losing secure footing on the rocks and almost about to be swept away into the river.








這趟旅行中, 最美好的影像是各組努力的靠著自己對台灣的印象, 拼湊出她們心目中台灣的味道. 這一幕, 讓我感受到了大家對於台灣的感情, 大家努力的想要把自己心中的台灣味道表現出來.


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