

Based on the trip, what do you think is the difference between Taiwan and the country that you live?

What is the difference between Taiwan and USA ...? A lot. To begin with, USA is a first world country while Taiwan, I believe, is a third world country? In that sense, USA is a lot more modern, with a lot more international connections than Taiwan does. Furthermore, even the USA history is concisely shorter than Taiwan's (which I've heard spreads 400 years), the historical monuments are a lot more important to the outside world than Taiwan's is. Most of Taiwan's landmarks and such are insignificant to such big names as the Grand Canyon. However, what Taiwan has is it's own culture, one that's unique to itself. I'm not saying that America isn't, but a lot of American culture is based on other cultures that have immigrated over here. If there's one thing that Taiwan has that American doesn't, it's a sense of identity.

I was surprised the expectations involved in tuan ti huo dong (group activity). In America, doing a group activity means having the same goal; whereas in Taiwan, group activity means doing the same thing. For example, consider the frog-viewing sessions: In America, we might consider the goal to be understanding human interaction with the ecosystem; individuals would be able to view frogs, but would also be able to stop once the utility of viewing frogs was exhausted. In Taiwan, however, we were forced to view frogs repeatedly, despite already understanding the significance of the frogs, and regardless of whether we were able to see the frogs or hear the instructor. It seemed strange that individuals were not permitted to rest once frog viewing ceased to be helpful.

Malaysian chinese practiced almost the same culture as Taiwan, but not as in-depth. In this trip I experienced the more complete Chinese culture.

One difference between Taiwan and Canada that is obvious is the climate. Taiwan weather is a lot more humid in the summer.

I think that the major difference is the amount of space available America is very spread out, and people live pretty far from each other. Taiwanese are very densely packed.

I feel that the difference between Taiwan and USA is the market culture, the streets in Taiwan are absolutely filled at night, with all kinds of goods and delicacies, while USA is relatively empty. There are more differences, but I assume these are a consequence of my suburban USA life. We experienced suburban, urban, and rural styles in Taiwan so I can’t list any other definitive differences.

Philosophy, scale, density, food.

This is a very loaded question. As there are many political, economical, structural, and technological differences beyond the basic cultural and social differences. However, what stands out the most is the pride the Taiwanese have in their own country. Although it is true that Taiwan is a very young country, their pride towers American pride by several degrees.

1. People are much, much warmer and friendlier in Taiwan. They are much more willing to help as if you were a good friend, much more willing to give (e.g. many people gave us their belongings).
2. Food is much more affordable in Taiwan, as is the nightlife
3. Taiwanese people have a much more homogenous culture, with consistent languages, feelings towards global events, etc. This, of course, is slightly more difficult in the United States, since it is a geographically larger territory with more drastically dissimilar cultures.

I think that Taiwan is a model for Brazil...cause Taiwan was a country not very developed...and now its a country that its respected and developed!!! I think that Brazil has a lot of things to learn from Taiwan...especially with the education...

That is the development. Taiwan is developed very fast and my country- Vietnam needs time to catch up with Taiwan

The heart that people put into their work-in America, especially in New York, where lifestyle is so fast-paced, it is easy to get into a habit of multi-tasking and not全心全意, which can result in mediocrity. However, at a-ma’s community, we were able to observe the fruits of their care and hard labor.
Also, the ability to walk up to a random stranger (particularly in cities other than Taipei) and strike up a friendly conversation was also something that stood out to me.

Taiwan compare to France is definitely more backward. Every place we go I can see trashes around which is a real pity since the place is so beautiful. If Taiwanese realize the importance of keeping a place clean. I think we have a lot to offer to the world in terms of natural beauty

I know that I will probably never find a place as beautiful and scenic as Taiwan. Biggest difference between Taiwan and my home is probably that Taiwan cities are much more dense and there is much more population.

Accessibility of food

I think that one of the biggest differences was the sharing of food. In the US people don't share drinks or eat from the same plates. That sort of feeling of closeness was a welcome experience.

Many differences! Climate is different, family life has much greater hierarchy, food is all fried! The meals that people eat are often much more pungent.








台灣地小人稠, 晚上到處都會有人, 美國地廣人稀, 晚上6點以後路上一個人都沒有, 路上只會看到車子經過, 這樣的差異, 顯現出了兩國人情味的差別. 在台南, 我們要問路, 隨便路上一個老婆婆都很熱心的幫忙. 在國外, 走在路上要問路要走很遠才有可能碰到一個人.


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