

Compared with your previous experiences coming back to Taiwan, does the trip make the visit any different? Please describe it in detail.

I think I answered this previously ... basically, yes, it made a lot of difference because I saw things that I would have never thought of being able to see, experience tastes that I'm sure even my parents don't know of, and best of all, spend time with kids my age.

I was pleasantly surprised by the emphasis placed on aboriginal culture. However, in terms of scenery, food, and art, I learned far more from previous journeys to Taiwan than I did on this trip.

Yes. This trip showed me more of Taiwan, and made me learn more of Taiwanese culture.

The major difference between this trip and my last trip is being able to see the different sights of Taiwan with others around my age, coming from similar backgrounds. Before, I had only seen Taiwan with relatives that live in Taiwan.

I’m glad that this trip was able to show me Taiwan outside the cities. Taroko Gorge, the Sun-Moon Lake, the tea factory, the rive factory, and the winery all made me appreciate the beauty of the land.

The trip made my visit completely different. Under normal circumstances, I would never get the opportunities to visit the majority of the places we went to. In addition, I was extremely glad to be around people other than family, since that experience is mentally sheltered and different. I was also able to view Taiwan from a new perspective with respect to age, since my previous Taiwan visit was filled with low endurance and “curfews” and what not.

Being harried and yelled at for things you didn’t do is annoying; there also seemed to be consistent lack of planning and foresight.

Yes. No parents and I saw all of Taiwan instead of just Taipei.

1. Absolutely. Usually, I just visited my grandparents in Taipei. We only swam and went to eat.
2. This time, we got to experience a tremendous amount of rich culture.

I went to a trip...like that in 2006... It was pretty the same trip but SO different...the ppl made the difference...not only the ppl from the trip...but the ppl we talked to in the places...like in Yilan, the guide told us so much about the life he lives and what is happiness for him...that kind of talk makes you a different person...you feel the words and see that ppl can be happy in differents ways...you just have to look for your way to be happy...last time i was younger...maybe didnt want to listen to the things they had to say...but im sure that we didnt go to the same places...just in taichung that i have already made the paper and fan... And this time i could see and taste hakka food...what made me feel closer to my family...

This is my first time in Taiwan

I think that every trip to Taiwan is different, but this one was especially because there was so many components to it. First of all, we had to network and meet new people, which was a wonderful experience in itself. Usually I am visiting family and going places that my family wants to go, while I am just a follower. Second of all, we had to experience different parts of Taiwan that I’m sure many of us are rarely exposed to (such as the countryside). Third of all, we learned so much about different parts of Taiwan, not just because of the tours, but because we were integrated with Taiwanese students that could give us a different perspective on Taiwan.

It is definitely different; I have visited places that I would probably never go in my life. Seen a lot and experienced a lot of many cultures very local to Taiwan.

Yes, I have never had so much time to leave and explore the island. I greatly appreciated the excursions into the wilderness and more rural areas as I had only frequented the cities on previous visits.

I saw places I would not have normally. In particular factories/kitchens run by local businesses or families. Very touching to see how they do their work and how it has been maintained over the generations

I don't remember much about my previous experiences in Taiwan, other than it was hot. This time around I had a lot of fun as well. I think that the best part of this program was the opportunity to get to know other people and make new friends.

The most important aspect for me is the people I meet. Coming here to meet new friends has been invaluable. The places you go to and the things you eat are secondary.

I have visited Taiwan every other year since I was a child, and every time I come back, I simply visit family. This trip back to Taiwan was very different because I was not with my family but rather with students my age, which made it considerably more interesting. Also, I had never been to the majority of the places we visited on the tour. I really only know the big cities (Taipei and Tainan), so it was very different to see the rural side of Taiwan. Also, when I come back with my family, we spend a lot of our time in shopping malls or centers instead of at historical sites or educational areas, which was the main focus of this trip. After this trip, my view of Taiwan has changed in that I am excited to come back because I have places to go and people to see in addition to my own family. I think the greatest difference between this trip and my previous ones is that I met so many other Taiwanese youths whose company I really enjoy--now feel excited to come back to Taiwan because I have friends here rather than an endless number of family relatives. I feel that I have a personal stake in returning to Taiwan for vacations—it is not just out of filial duty.






我之前每次回台灣就是回家窩著,因為總覺得台灣不就都這樣,沒什麼特別的,台北,高雄,墾丁....就差不多都去過.這次去了很多小地方,我想起我小時後看到的台灣其實在很多地方都還存在,我記得那天在台東的早上,跟Angela騎著腳踏車去散步,我的天呀!那個空氣 ,那個溫暖的風,連那很曬的太陽都可愛起來囉!!!


之前回台灣都只是在台北, 逛逛各大百貨公司跟夜市, 沒有機會到台灣的其他角落, 這次有機會看看台北以外的城市, 讓我對台灣有不一樣的感覺.

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