

I was asked politely by Wei-Fu to write a reflection on the last day of the trip. Perhaps she doesn't remember I missed half of it. In any case, I am not going to write about it. Ha!

If there's anything to really take from this trip it's the wonderful memories of not only making friends worldwide, but spending time with them for two week in wonderful Formosa. It really touches your heart. Day after day skirmishing through the intense heat fronts and through the sweat and tears we become closer friends. At the same time, we take in the culture, even if inadvertently (I'm sure some of us don't pay attention all the time...), and it becomes a part of us, both the memorably wonderful and the "ehh" moments.

As we finally depart away, back to where we come from, do we leave with sadness in our hearts or with joy flowing through our bodies? On our final day, where the picture taking and last memo book signing took place, I realize that I am happy. Not happy to leave, but to leave with friends that hopefully will last. Connections into the world are important ... and now I can go to places without having to hire a freaking tour guide. Seriously though, they talk like it's the end of the world. It's pretty annoying.

I'm not trying to sound sappy or wicked emotional, but it has been great knowing all of you and spending the 14 days with you guys. Cheers.

So I hope we can all keep in touch. 5.25 in NYC next year? Say yes.

Email change: My email is tl348@cornell.edu ... the one in the book is my mom's.

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