

After this trip, do you have any different thought about “speaking Mandarin”? Why?

I am a bit more comfortable now with speaking Mandarin, although granted it still isn't very good, I do want to practice and become better at it. It is definitely frustrating to pause after every other sentence and ask for some sort of translation. But it was nice that everyone that spoke Mandarin was very understanding and that I feel pretty much at liberty to speak how I want to speak Mandarin.

No change.

Erm, I don’t think I have different thoughts, because I grow up in a Chinese community, and Taiwan and Malaysia have many similarities, so I have no trouble speaking and writing.

After this trip, I don’t have any different thoughts about Mandarin; I’ve always thought speaking Mandarin is important.

Mandarin has definitely become more important in my mind after this trip. I realize now that it is very important to be able to communicate well with such a large part of the world. I hope to improve.

This trip has made me regret all the moments I wasted in Chinese school. When I walked out of the airport, I was blinded. Not sight, but language. I couldn’t read very much and realized that separation from someone who could read would essentially mean being lost. I also learned that in order to truly understand a language, you must be entirely immersed in a land where people speak it.


I’m slightly more confident in my ability.

I have a much more concentrated and invigorated passion to learn Mandarin more aggressively. I made a conscientious effort to interact with the local Taiwanese leaders on a constant basis, realizing how absolutely necessary it is to speak Mandarin proficiently.

I dont have any different thought about speaking Mandarin...just that i cant speak that well...and i cant understand a lot of words that they say...and that its important to know how to speak, read and write...

After this trip, I have to try my best to improve my “speaking Mandarin”, and maybe study a little bit 閩南語。

Not really-I have always been comfortable speaking in Mandarin, but just preferred to speak in English. This is still the case, though I think there is little that the program could have done to alter this.

Not really.

Yes, I can speak more words now. My parents are especially aware of my increased ability and were pleasantly surprised.

I’d like to improve it as much as possible. It makes making very good friends from Taiwan more possible.

I'm now much more willing to speak and learn Chinese. Before, I was a little embarrassed since my Chinese isn't that great. But seeing how I was still able to communicate and make friends has increased my confidence in my Chinese.

My thoughts aren’t different, but with daily practice, I am slowly becoming more fluent.

This trip definitely helped me to improve my Mandarin, and I try to speak it all the time at home now. It was also very encouraging for me when I realized I could still read a bit of the Chinese on shop signs. I have always known the importance of improving my Mandarin, as it will soon become a popular language of the Business world, and it was a great experience to communicate with some of the Taiwanese students who did not speak very much English. However, English was still the predominant language of the trip, so I don’t think it changed many of my thoughts on “speaking Mandarin.” Yet, it did help to improve it!






講中文一直對我都很重要,我感到這是我reach out的憑藉。文字也讓我感受到文 的直接的方法。



我一直都是以會講流利中文為榮, 但是中文在台北行的通, 到了南部, 就是台語的天下, 我也應該學學台語, 這樣才能自己到台灣南部走走.


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