

What does “Taiwan” mean to you? What is the most valuable part of Taiwan?

Taiwan , to me, is where I come from. My ancestral history (granted China is pretty much too), but my tastes and my parents were from here, so Taiwan has a significant meaning to me. Taiwan, although just a small island, presents so much in variety and only within a few hours of bus ride, is quite surreal and convenient. The most valuable part of Taiwan is, indeed, the culture of the area, the people who are just so nice (not just people on the program, but Taiwanese people in general), and the wide variety of activities that one can find throughout the entire island. Taiwan really can touch your heart, no matter what is neccessary in order to touch it.

Home and family define Taiwan for me. Taiwan is the place I come to reconnect with my roots and interact with my family. The most valuable part of Taiwan is its people.

I’m not an emotional person, therefore I usually don’t have feelings to a place, but Taiwan makes me feel close to home, although I don’t have any family in Taiwan. The most valuable part in Taiwan is the people. The other is the nature, and how Taiwan treasures and preserves the nature.

Taiwan will always be “home” to me because I was born here and most of my relatives still reside in Taiwan. The most valuable part of Taiwan would have to be my family member.

Taiwan means a home away from home. I believe the most valuable part of Taiwan is its hospitable and welcoming people.

With Taiwan lies my roots, the most valuable part is my lineage, and irreplaceable part of me. When people look at me, they know that I am Asian while I am aware that I am Taiwanese. It is something intrinsic that I can’t nor want to change.

Taiwan is a nice place; the second question is ill-defined.

The place where my parents were raised; and the place where I have historical attachment too. The most valuable part of Taiwan is it’s location as the gateway to Asia.

Taiwan 真是一家人。It means a people who carry a culture together, as one, no matter what political or business interests may obscure their spirits. The emotions and the strength of the people cannot be changed and expressed in words; it must be experienced.

taiwan means second home...its a place that i can be myself...and no one to judge me...its just like my home...i just cant talk in portuguese...hahahaha... Well...the most valuable part of Taiwan is the history and culture that it hides in the moutains...

Taiwan means to me is the country of friendly people, the country of people who know how to enjoy the life. The most valuable part of Taiwan is young people

To me, Taiwan is my homeland…although it is neither where I was born nor where I grew up, I still feel a strong connection to it, because it is half of who I am. I don’t consider myself fully American, because there are very different mindsets in America that I don’t agree with and that I consider more Taiwanese (for example, the idea of family). I think the Taiwanese sense of community is the most valuable aspect of the culture, and our ability to get along so well in such a short span of time is testament to that belief.

Taiwan is another home for me.

Taiwan is my motherland. Taiwan's culture is a part of my culture and is most important to me.

Taiwan means a second home. But being overseas I can still discover new things everytime I return. Taiwan’s most valuable asset is its people – hard working and passionate.

This is hard to say. I think that Taiwan to me is like another home. While I don't have many relatives that still live in Taiwan, my way of thinking is still very much like the people in Taiwan. Going there and seeing how people behave and interact was very nice. To me, the most valuable part of Taiwan is the culture.

Taiwan is the root of my ancestry, although it is not my home. The most important part is understanding why my parents treat me so differently to how my friends’ parents treat them back in the UK. There are many cultural differences which I cannot get used to, but at least I can see it is ‘normal’ in Taiwan.

To me, “Taiwan” means my home country. It is where all of my ancestors lived and where my family history remains. It is one half of my culture – while I grew up in the United States, I took such frequent trips back to Taiwan and had two Taiwanese parents that the Taiwanese culture is still deeply instilled in my persona. When I think of Taiwan, I think of a small island with a strong spirit and a simple but pure way of life. I think of my family. The most valuable part of Taiwan, I believe, is the strong sense of community. Even on the trip, some participants were able to strike up conversations with people on the street and form new friendships, which I find rarely happens in the United States or other countries. There seems to be a casual and effortless way about the country that makes everyone feel as if they are family.









台灣是一個我居住的地方,但我卻一點都不了解她 。台灣最一塊小小的土地,卻包含著各種不同的面貌。在景色的部分有山、有水,在文化的部分,客家、閩南、原住民等等多元的文化,很小卻很豐富。

台灣的傳統文化 台灣人的精神 以及台灣很棒的地理環境

台灣是我的故鄉, 台灣最珍貴的, 就是有我小時後的回憶, 不管走到哪, 我還是會想念在台灣生活的時光.


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