

「味的旅行」帶給你什麼啟發? 請詳細敍述。
Did the trip inspire you in any respect? Please describe it in detail.

Did the trip inspire me ... It inspired me to help spread Taiwan's amazingness and to come back more often. I won't lie, Taiwan never was very fun for me before, always hanging out with my younger cousins and my relatives really puts a drag on your vacation, and in fact, I begged my parents many times not to come back to Taiwan or at least not to bring me along. However, there are two factors this time that has changed my mind. I now have Taiwanese friends that I can perhaps meet up with. This is important because anyone, despite wherever they are and whatever age, wants to have someone that they can communicate to on a similar level. To me, my relatives cannot and therefore Taiwan has always been a bore to me. (not to mention it's excruciating temperatures). However, now that I have made some friends, it would be nice to be able to meet up with them and enjoy what Taiwan has to offer (both city-wise and nature-wise). Secondly, Taiwan could use a serious boost in it's tourism industry, and it really is up to us, expatriates, to help in that regard. Perhaps I am simply a nobody, but every little effort counts, and I can undoubtely bring my friends to Taiwan to show them around and they would probably have a great time as well. Especially now that I know Taipei fairy well (at least to an extent)

The trip inspires me to make an effort to stay in touch with everyone.

Meeting up the youth from all over the world totally changed my perspective towards many things. For example how they see things, how they think, their education, their background. This is what makes this trip so memorable.

The trip inspired me to travel more abroad in order to see the differences that exist in the people and lifestyle of people in different countries.

I think this trip has inspired me to appreciate Taiwan’s less populated areas more. Before, I only saw the larger cities and I thought that there was nothing of interest outside of them. After Taroko National Park and the Sun-Moon Lake, however, I appreciate the land more.

The trip inspired me to reconsider the simple vs. the technological life. Before, I assumed that technology is a necessity and must be improved, but now I realize that the simple life can be just as fulfilling.

Yes, the places we visited were the main inspiration for the movie my group shot for the final presentation. The general theme of the trip – to recapture your heritage and culture – was translated into a love story that described a broken heart trying to recapture his lost love.


It definitely inspired me to make new friends and see how we can leverage Taiwan's resources for other countries, particularly the familial treatment of others. I'm not sure how that sort of thing (friendliness) can be translated to other countries, but it is certainly an interesting concept to try.

This trip inspired me to do things for others...help others...I was always thinking of some way to help others, but never thought of something that i can do!!! And i just forgot about it...and then after going the tea farm i started to think again...to help others...and in the meeting with the writer...he said that we are nobody...and not to worry about us...cause have so many people hungry in the world...and i just agree with him...and started to think about what can i do to help this situation...and i know that i cant change the world...but i cann help few ppl...and i will start in my hometown.

Yes, it did. I feel Taiwan is so special by mountain, nature, and people !!!

Yes-looking at all of the eco-communities, villages, and tea farm (in particular), I realized that these people have devoted their lives to better a purpose, and will go to whatever lengths (such as uprooting older trees, or pulling out nails from old furniture) to ensure the best quality product. I hope to become more passionate about the things I do, and to find a greater purpose in the things that I do.
Also, through meeting so many outstanding students, I’ve become inspired to become a better and more informed person, who can “play hard” while still “working hard.” I think I’ve learned a lot about myself, while being able to see who I want to become.

There are places like 社區 where people live in peace and harmony. These communities suffer from many problems such as lack of resources and youth quitting the community. Yet, it is still very heart touching to see the effort they put in order to preserve the place as natural as they could as well as keeping vivacity of the community .

Yes the trip inspired me to return to Taiwan and learn as much as I can about Taiwan. The great food that we had is more than enough a reason to return, while the multifaceted cultural aspects allow for endless exploration.

Realized how much Taiwan has to offer, both in the countryside and in the city. More willing to come back to find friends and show friends Taiwan or work in Taiwan

The trip has inspired me to explore more of the rural communities of Taiwan. Whenever I visit Taiwan I am often stuck in Taipei, and would like to escape more.





這次旅行給我最大的啟發是Study hard, play harder!!!看到很多伙伴,雖然玩的很瘋,但還是很努力的做出好作品,讓我很感動,覺得自己要更努力,也成為我回去之後寫論文還有讀書的動力!!我喜歡努力之後瘋狂之後的「味道」。



讓我明白"味"不是只有"味覺的味" ,還有所謂的台灣味,是我看的到的,我聞的到的,我聽的到的.我摸的到的,



台灣雖然是個小島國, 但是島上的人文風景資源相當豐富, 台灣不是只有台北這個城市值得一看, 有很多小鄉鎮也別有一番風味, 有機會一定要親自走訪一遍.


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