

Does this trip fulfill your expectation? Why?

This trip actually exceeded my expectations. To be honest, the name of the camp really doesn't do it much justice, since the first impression for some would be a bunch of stuck up, arrogant "geniuses" that have been gathered here to tour Taiwan. It isn't quite what attracts people. Moreover, I really had no idea what to expect, since no one ever told me anything about how this camp was really going to be run... I came here thinking perhaps I was going to be guarded 24/7 with very little freedom. However, this proved to be more than a tour, the people turned out not to be so stuck up and were in fact , very friendly and understanding, and we had freedom to explore however we chose (to some degree). The counselors were also very geniunely friendly and (yes i'm sucking up... terribly) it was great to talk to them all and they were very helpful when translating (yeah...) and they actually had personality. Everyone here, I felt, could be themselves, and that makes the whole atmosphere a lot more enjoyable.

My expectations for this trip were very high. I thought I would learn a lot about Taiwan, but in the end I really learned very little. On the other hand, I truly enjoyed making friends with the other members of the group.

I will divide this into three parts.
The trip to round Taiwan island is marvelous. It totally exceeds my expectations. This trip is more to experiencing Taiwan, which is good, because if it’s a normal sight- seeing trip, it will be meaning less. Experiencing is the best way to learn things.
Interactions with group members
This part is also good, although the trip is packed with programs, so it’s hard to interact with group members as everyone is tired, but I guess it’s hard to achieve it too. I think the organizers have put in effort in trying to get us together, such as grouping us into small groups and arranging different roommates every night, but if I were to propose some improvements, it would be better if we could have more chance to interact with different small groups.
Interactions with Taiwan students
The forum with the Taiwan students is not done well. Totally no time to interact with Taiwan local students.
Overall the trip is awesome.

The trip didn’t fulfill my expectations as I had though we would hear more about modern Taiwanese culture/traditions and its current financial situation of place in the world. I felt all the information we heard was propaganda in promoting Taiwan.

The trip exceeded my expectations because I expected a regular tour of famous landmarks. What I got was an amazing journey.

I did not know what to expect from the trip, but I feel that it was a worthwhile use of true. I learned a lot about Taiwan, and I improved my Mandarin linguistics and oral proficiency. I also met many new people and am happy to have been in their company for the past two weeks.

No; too much propaganda & too little planning/foresight and coordination.

Yes and no. Yes in that I experienced a lot of Taiwanese culture, practiced Chinese, and met a lot of new friends. I did not, however, gain any new culture of my own to apply to Taiwan; or did I gain any strong incentive to pursue studies or a career here; or did I meet native Taiwanese friends rather than overseas friends.

Exceeded. I came in simply wanting to make new friends and learn more about Taiwan, but had no idea that we would have so many interactive and diverse sessions. That said, I think even MORE interactive sessions (e.g. paper-making, soy milk making, etc.) would be even more beneficial. Incorporate us into the process to learn better!

this trip exceeded my expectation...like i said before...i've already made a trip like this all over taiwan..and when i found out that it was pretty the same thing...i just wasnt expecting anything... But after the trip...i was glad that i participated in this trip...and felt lucky to be chosen. The ppl that i met in this trip made me a better person...a funnier person...just talking to them i felt the difference between this trip and the one that i did 3 years ago...

Not yet. Still have more things about Taiwan which I have read on the book have not seen yet !!!

Yes and no-I really had no expectations, merely because I was told that I was going to play in Taiwan-it was all very vague. But based on the nature of the program, I assumed we would be expected to network and embrace and appreciate our Taiwanese heritage. To that extent, the trip most certainly fulfilled that expectation-I met a bunch of really amazing people that I hope to stay in touch with, and I experienced different ways of viewing our Taiwanese culture.


More than fulfill, I did not expect to see so much and learn so much in just two weeks. I expected we would stop at numerous locations, as was listed on our itinerary, but I did not expect to be so educated about each place after I left.

Yes, it was very good fun, especially meeting people from all over the world and Taiwanese local students.

It more than fulfilled my expectations. I wasn't expecting to have this much fun. I think that having everyone get so close and spending so much time together had a good effect.

No. My mother told me that the trip would be full of industrial visits (although I think she probably misunderstood). For a trip which captures the Taiwan’s most ‘extraordinary expatriates’, this aspect would have been SOOOOO fulfilling and valuable for our careers. Our business networks are primarily based in our home countries and it is important to create reputable links abroad.

I did not know a lot about this trip at all before coming, so I had very few expectations – I had no idea what to expect! I think I did expect to see more city establishments – government buildings, tourist sites, etc. – I definitely did not expect to be in rural areas for most of the trip.

Our schedule does not need to be so packed. It would be nice to have some free time for relaxing or showering in the middle of the day so that we are not completely exhausted and sick by the end of the trip. Maybe we could stay in the same hotel for a more than one day, such as the hot spring hotel, so that people can have time to look around outside the hotel in the daylight. We should also be made aware that we will have to make a video, presentation, and blog prior to coming so we can bring computers.











我當初期待聽到更多有關於海外華僑如何能夠返國貢獻所學, 但是這個活動的宗旨偏向介紹台灣本土文化. 不過我仍然看到了很多我以前從來沒有看過的東西.


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