

You must be thinking that the trip was too short for you to see/understand every aspect of Taiwan. Next time when you visit Taiwan, for the purpose of completing the trip of this time, what do you expect to see next time?

It is a bit short and rushed, but to be honest, I don't quite know what we would have done more. Maybe go to the Southern peak of KanDing (spelling...)? I'd definitely like to visit that place, since I've heard such good remarks about it's beauty and scenery. Likewise, I'd like to go to the North Peak, which I am sure, could be just as beautiful. Furthermore, I'd actually like to go around all of Taiwan, go to each district, and try the most famous foods that each district boasts. For example, in Changhua, it'd be what is called Ba Wan...

I would like to see a Taiwan beach, as well as more history, art, and dance. Furthermore, I believe the trip could be improved by traveling to fewer places, and excluding activities such as frogs.

The next time I will be backpacking in Taiwan for a month or so, so that I can experience the other side of Taiwan. This trip brings us to experience the luxury side of Taiwan, the next time I want to experience the tougher way of travelling Taiwan.

Next time, I would like to see more of Taipei and the sights Taipei is well-known for, such as shopping at night markets and eating at small eateries.

I expect to see more of the costal areas, like Kaohsiung and the beaches. I hope to spend more time in those areas.

I feel that it is impossible to see and understand every aspect of any place. In stead, I would like to spend more true at the places that I enjoyed visiting and instead see them in more detail.

The popular places that I haven’t visited; perhaps that mountain…

I don’t want to expect to see something. I’d like it to be a surprise so I know that it truly is Taiwan. But if I were to hope for something to see, I would enjoy a concert or something the average citizen enjoys rather than the tourist.

It's not so much seeing more as much as having more time to go on my/my friends' own. The program was incredibly well made, providing us with truly a very diverse image of Taiwan. However, I would have liked to spend more time by myself wandering around (perhaps make a scavenger hunt with more destinations) so that we can experience shopping, night markets and the people ourselves. This would also give us some time to relax. I think this kind of time MUST be had at LEAST twice (two afternoons/evenings) during a 2-week trip. Also, I think it's important to explore the technological and business sides of Taiwan much, much more. As an American, I always hear about Taiwan's business and technology booms; I would have liked to see more of that. Perhaps, a visit to Acer?

yesssss...i want to the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and see different places...maybe see the places that the taiwanese students go to!!!! meet the friends that we made in this trip...and go out with them...

Understand more about Taiwanese life !!! Want to live at least 2 weeks at some community to understand….

Kenting, Penghu, places that we somewhat learned about (whether it was from Cape No. 7 or some other source), I feel like these are very important parts of Taiwan that we should be careful not to look over.

The beach and the dolphins.

Next time I visit I think I will return to see some more of the rural areas or visit the sun-moon lake.

Beaches, visit to schools/universities

I think that the next time, I'll focus more on meeting new people. I got to see a lot of places in Taiwan, but the chance to interact with different people from the different locations was small. I think that the next time I go to Taiwan, I would like to go meet some more people.

I would love to climb the highest peaks of Taiwan and get to see the other islands of Taiwan.

Next time, I expect to see Kaohsiung. I understand that there were difficulties involved with this year’s trip because of the World Games, but I think that it is a major stop for every tour, and I was very disappointed to see that it was not on the itinerary. I also would have liked to see more of Tainan and Taipei, the major cities. I felt that we did not spend enough time at each of these locations and that there were major sites that we missed (for example, we did not have enough time to see Taipei 101). I would also like to have toured a university campus to see where students our age are studying and how they go about their daily lives.

It would be nice to be taken around the different places we visited by local students. That way we can really see their every day lifestyle.








我下次來台灣一定要去更多不一樣的小角落,因為很多小角落都充滿很美好的東西跟故事....我要去發現更多不 一樣的故事.

我希望看到更多台灣奮鬥發展的過程,歷史上 人文 政治 經濟上的

台灣還有其他不同的風光, 我們這次只點到了幾個城市, 還有像高雄, 屏東等地方沒有去, 甚至還有外島澎湖金門都可以去看看.


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